Cairn Safety Technology


Introducing the Cairn Cocoon Pressurized Habitat with Einstein Control System

Discover the cutting-edge Cairn Cocoon Pressurized Habitat, featuring the revolutionary Einstein Control System – a breakthrough in pressurized habitat technology. This patented system is compliant with multiple global pressurized habitat standards and stands as the world’s first ATEX, UKEX and IECEx Zone 1 habitat certified for Hydrogen use. As the world embraces a net-zero future and hydrogen infrastructure becomes prevalent, our innovative habitat system paves the way for safe and sustainable hot work activities in hazardous areas. See it in action!

Key Features of the Cairn Cocoon Pressurized Habitat:

Enhanced Safety and Containment

The Cairn Cocoon is a modular, flexible enclosure that establishes an over-pressurized environment, creating a physical barrier between hot work activities and potential hydrocarbons. Our system excels in ensuring a safer working environment through containment, pressurization, modular construction, efficient air extraction, and instant shutdown of hot work tools upon detection of hydrocarbons.

Custom Materials

The Cairn Cocoon is constructed from custom-made materials designed specifically for our application. These flame-retardant panels can withstand temperatures up to 250°C, with a base material capable of handling 550°C. They are also antistatic, anti-slip, and tear-resistant, ensuring safety on every surface and simplifying design and construction.

Flexibility in Design

Carefully designed panel types offer maximum flexibility in habitat design while minimizing the number of panel types required. This approach allows for comprehensive habitat builds, accommodating obstructions while reducing the need for multiple parts, making transportation and assembly more efficient.

Safe Entry and Exit

The airlock system is designed for safety and convenience. Lightweight, antistatic, and flame-retardant airlock doors enable easy access and egress without impeding movement. Bright yellow coloring enhances visibility, while a large touch bar ensures a quick exit in emergencies. Integrated signage displays critical technical and safety information, and a large window with an integrated welding screen allows continuous monitoring of hot work activities. 

Our highly experienced team will provide our customers with an extensive industry-based knowledge. Safeguarding personnel, prolonging asset integrity, ensuring continual production and maximum profitability for the customer are at the centre of everything we do – we’re committed to creating safety in hazardous areas and becoming the market leader in the field.

2m x 2m x 2m Pressurised Welding Enclosure (PWE) external photo in industrial site showing cable and ducting entry
Hot-work habitat internal photo showing emergency escape and SA Equip worklights illuminated
2m x 2m x 2m Pressurised Welding Enclosure (PWE) external photo in industrial site with exhaust ducting
Cairn cocoon welding habitat door closeup showing warning labels and magnahelic gauge
Pressurised Welding Enclosure with door open
Diagram of hot-work habitat and control sysytem with technical data
Einstein Control System
Cairn Cocoon Welding Habitat Gas Detector
Remote sounder beacon
Cairn cocoon welding habitat emergency stop closeup


The Cairn Cocoon Pressurized Habitat includes the state-of-the-art Einstein Control System, offering advanced habitat monitoring and control capabilities:

Integral Monitoring

Comprehensive monitoring around the hot work site ensures a secure working environment, meeting and exceeding ATEX and IECEx requirements.

Flammable Gas Detection

The system monitors 15 flammable gases with high accuracy and includes H2S, flowrate, and habitat pressure monitoring.

Safety Features

It features a gas-tight damper for airflow shutdown in case of toxic or flammable gas detection and a 3-stage sounder beacon to warn of different hazards.

Compact and Portable

The Einstein Control System is lightweight and portable, simplifying installation and assembly.

Customisation options

Include up to:

  • 10 emergency stop buttons for multiple work party members.
  • 2 remote sounder beacons for enhanced safety.
  • 20 additional gas detectors to meet specific needs.
  • 2 tool stops that can be changed during tasks to suit different hot work operations.

The Cairn Cocoon Pressurized Habitat with the Einstein Control System empowers your team with unparalleled safety and flexibility in hazardous environments. Experience the future of pressurised habitat technology today.

Find out how we can solve your hot work challenges