Cairn Safety Technology


Service overview

Urgent repair? We can get a habitat to you in 24 hours. For urgent work we will give you a flexible selection of panels with lots of excess or redundant equipment to ensure you have the material to complete the job. We will mobilise our mosty experienced technicians who will be able to solve the most complex of challlenges.

Planning in advance? We can get involved in every stage to ensure the perfect habitat design which is cost efficient and seamlessly integrates with the overall workscope. 

Either way you will receive the highest level of quality in both the products and services we offer. We operate an ISO 9001 quality management system as well as an ATEX & UKEX QAN and an IECEx QAR. These mean our quality system is assessed by a third party and that our quality system has all of the required controls to repeatedly manufacture and distribute hazardous area equipment. 

Read on for a detailed breakdown of every step in the process. 

Project Delivery Process

Project process


Our experienced project engineers will have an initial meeting to understand the scope of work, the timing and any unique challenges.

Scoping and site survey

One of our project engineers will either complete a desktop survey or arrange an on site survey to better understand the work scope and to identify any habitat specific challenges or risks. We will aim to understand any infrastructure which need to enter/exit the habitat, any power supply requirements, location of main access/exit, location of the emergency exit and emergency exit route. We will also seek to determine if any access scaffold is required, any potential leakage sources, cable routing, ducting routing, locations for electrical equipment and any other critical information to allow us to construct the perfect solution. 


Now that our expert team have collated all of this information we will design your habitat. The habitat will be designed to be as small as practical for the workscope, this is primarily for safety but also provides speed and economy. 

Our engineers can also provide:

  • 3D CAD drawings of the habitat installation
  • Access scaffolding layout design
  • Lighting design
  • Habitat installation dry-run at our facility
Project planning

Our project engineers and our technicians will work together to create a risk assessment and method statement for the installation works. The project engineers will ideally attend all Hazids and Hazops for the workscope to understand any risks during installation and use of the habitat from the work and surrounding operations. They will plan the material and personnel requirements for the duration of the work scope.

Equipment selection

We know the habitat deisgn, we know the risks, we know the mitigation, we know what electrical equipment is to be installed; so now we can select all of the panels, doors, ducting, electrical equipment and other ancilliary equipment required to complete the work scope successfully. You know we provide habitats but did you know we can also provide additional materials required to support the work scope? We can provide:

  • Distribution boards
  • Extension leads and reels
  • Area gas detection
  • Personal gas detection
  • Breathing apparatus
  • Welding equipment

Once we have an agreed start date our logistics team will ensure your habitat is shipped and ready at site in advance of the work scope beginning. 


Our team will arrive at site, perform any site inductions and get any permits in place to contruct the enclosure. Installations can be done in as little as 2 hours for simple installations. Once installed our team will complete a comprehensive checklist to ensure the installation is ready to use and will hand over the final installation to the hot work party.


During the hotwork task our installation technician can either go on to construct the next habitat in the installation sequence or can act as firewatch for the hot work task or door sentry. Our technicians are focussed on creating a safe working environment to complete the hotwork task. 


Once the hotwork has been successfully completed our technician will deconstruct the habitat, pack away the material and return the site to it’s original state. 

Find out how we can solve your hot work challenges